Citizens of Europe. Holmfirth
Citizens of Europe. Holmfirth



European Movement – Our fight continues. We are standing up for European rights, standards and values in the UK

Leeds For Europe – The largest and most active pro-Europe group in the area.

Led By Donkeys

Take Back Britain


Chris Grey’s Brexit Blog – in-depth but highly readable weekly analysis of The Great Delusion.

This Week in Brexitland – proving Brexit was a bad idea one week at a time.

OH GOD, WHAT NOW? Formerly Remainiacs – weekly Brexit and Politics podcast


Yorkshire Byline Times – independent reporting

Twitterati worth Following

Mike Galsworthy

Dmitry Grozoubinski

Alex Andreou

David Henig

Roland Smith

Russ in Cheshire

ciaran the euro courier

Alexandra Hall Hall

Phil Syrpis

Peter Foster

Marina Purkiss