Every day, this government reaches a new low. This week alone, we have seen the prime minister fined for partying while people died during the pandemic – the first prime minister in history to be found guilty of breaking the law while in office. We have seen the chancellor fined too, not to mention the questions around his non-dom wife’s murky tax affairs. And now they are trying to dig themselves out of those holes with their awful plan to send refugees arriving in the UK to Rwanda. This is an immoral, law-breaking, corrupt government. And why is that? Because it is a Brexit government. Brexit is the only reason they are in office to begin with, and the lies and law-breaking they used to win the EU referendum have now permeated this government at every level. To stop them, we must build a movement. Not just a meek call for a tweak or two, but a mass movement that faces this problem head on, and names it: to end the moral vaccum in our politics, we must end Brexit. We need to rejoin the EU! That is why Stay European is proud to be one of the coalition of organisations and campaigners launching the National Rejoin March – and today we can share the date with you: National Rejoin March Saturday 22 October 2022, 12-4pm London – Park Lane to Parliament Square Share the news Donate to the crowdfunder Leeds for Europe are running coaches to the march with pickups in Leeds and at M1 J38 and Sheffield Meadowhall. Book here |